One rat brain ‘talks’ to another using electronic link

Frightening ?

1. One rat is designated the “encoder”, who will receive a visual clue, the other is the “decoder”, who will not.


2. A light is switched on in the trained, encoder rat’s cage above one of two levers which will release a reward if pressed.


3. The encoder rat sees the light and presses a lever to receive a reward. As it does so, the brain signal is sent to the decoder rat’s brain.


4. The decoder rat interprets the brain signal, chooses the correct lever and gets a reward. If the decoder rat gets it right, the encoder rat gets an extra reward.


Avoid “Jet Lag” effectively

Research shows that light exposure can shift your body clock (Eastman & Burgess, 2009; Kolla & Auger, 2011).

Light exposure – for example going outside in sunlight – at the right times can reduce jet lag.

Jet Lag Rooster creates an individual plan suggesting when to seek and avoid light, based on your own trip and body clock.

People who follow these suggestions report less jet lag (Lieberman, 2003).

In some cases, shifting your body clock before your trip could prevent jet lag completely (Burgess et al., 2003).

Aaron Swartz – The Network Transformation

RIP Aaron, you were a visionary and a great guy. Humankind has lost a great person.

Swartz was nothing short of a prodigy: at the age of 14, he helped develop the Real Simple Syndication (RSS) standard.

He founded Infogami, which was eventually incorporated into Reddit.

He founded Demand Progress, a digital rights group that played an instrumental role in defeating the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) early last year.